A Victorian cdv of Austin and Emma Melia with their new daughter, Annie Melia. Taken by a Moses Gate photographer in Farnworth in 1895.
A Victorian cdv of Emma Melia. Taken by a Moses Gate photographer in Farnworth, possibly earlier than 1895.
Annie Melia as a child. Taken about 1900
The Family
Edward Melia (left) and Thomas Melia. Taken before World War 1
Thomas Melia served in the Royal Navy between 1917 and 1919.
Austin and Emma Melia. Undated but probably taken after World War 1
A.G.C. Harvey
Alexander Gordon Cummins Harvey, owner of Fothergill & Harvey and influential Liberal MP.
Family archives
Family archives
Family archives
Family archives
Family archives
Family archives
Family archives
From the book Alexander Gordon Cummins Harvey; A Memoir by Francis W. Hirst