Change and transformation programmes generally take the form of a multi-phased and structured approach involving 1) Issue analysis including analytical review. 2) Development of solutions. 3) Development and approval of an implementation plan, and 4) Implementation. dms provides support in each phase.

Solutions often include the use of methodologies such as Lean Sigma and reference to best practice project implementation tools such as PRINCE2 and ITIL, if the programme has a strong IT theme. Past programmes have been significant in size involving team contributions from a mix of experienced management consultants, sub-contractors and client staff. Specialists may be contracted if the programme warrants it.

Transformation projects are all unique in where the emphasis is placed but it is possible to identify a number of general themes. Not all programmes address all these areas but for projects affecting in excess of a thousand staff it is quite common for the terms of reference to embrace work across each of these areas to a greater or lesser degree:

Updating the organisational design often as a consequence of the need to reduce labour costs.

Re-engineering process involving the mapping of current approaches, issue analysis and solution development. Lean Sigma analytical tools may be useful here as would Process Maturity Matrix type base-lining if a continuous improvement framework is to be introduced.

‘Fit for purpose’ reviews of the IT architecture.

‘Readiness’ for change evaluations of the business.

Operational reviews of the management control model, the cycle of how the business forecasts, plans, executes work and reports on its work activity.

Reviews of business modelling tools currently in use.

Some of these areas may involve detailed analysis and the support of management consulting specialists either contracted or potentially facilitated through dms.

dms has supported a number of large programmes in recent years, both on a direct basis and as a specialist brought in to provide project and programme management support to boutique management consultancies. The latter typically involves sub-contracting to other firms of management consultants to work on initiatives where they are accountable for the primary relationship with the end client.

Programmes and projects involving subcontracting relationships are usually very large, involving many consultants and affecting hundreds and sometimes thousands of client staff. End clients are often FTSE 100 members and can involve an international dimension.

Work undertaken varies according to the needs of the business. In some cases the dms terms of reference revolve around providing analytical insights but in others it can include project and programme management. dms has managed client staff, other sub-contractors and employees of the primary management consultants on past assignments.

Contracts involving the projects and programme management of large pieces of work are undertaken across the UK, in Europe and the U.S

Interim support is available to provide support in two specific areas. One is functional but non-sector specific, while the other is sector specific but multi-functional.

Interim finance management

As chartered accountants dms are able to provide specialist finance based interim management support for periods of extended sickness, leave or simply to cover a gap in an employer organisation.

A finance based interim management business turnaround service is also available.

Interim management solutions within the telecommunications industry.

With twenty years in the telecommunications industry, and the experience of supporting a number of external management consulting engagements, dms can offer expert and in-depth interim management support in the finance, sales and operational functions in both the consumer and business areas.

Other sectors

Extensive experience in the telecoms industry has provided a robust grounding for telecoms interim work. However, much of the knowledge and experience gained in telecoms contract centre, administrative back offices and field service environments has proven portability, and has been usefully deployed in other sectors. Specifically, the Financial Services sector faces similar challenges to telecoms in trying to drive improvements in productivity in its large transaction processing centres. Improvement techniques used in telecoms have been effectively deployed on Financial Services projects on a number of occasions.

Interim work is usually undertaken on a different  basis to management consulting. The nature of the business requirements often involve working far more closely with the client team staff and usually include team management accountabilities. In these circumstances fixed term contract arrangements will be an option for discussion.

Interim Solutions

Contract Consulting


Transformation & Change

Darwen Management Services

Management Consultancy & Interim Solutions

Darwen Management Services Ltd Registered Address 23a Railway Rd, Darwen BB3 2RG Company Number 4189531.
This is the legacy website of Darwen Management Services Ltd

‘Improving Performance;

Delivering Change’