dms is working with Infosphere Global in exploring how traditional cost management and performance and productivity consulting can help organisations find the initial investment required for the development of more sustainable forms of operating.
Businesses are increasingly being expected to exercise more ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR). In other words they are expected to improve the world through different forms of social and environmental action. We believe that the profit motive and the exercise of CSR are not incompatible. An analytical, structured and evidence based approach to examining how a business operates can identify areas of excess cost and waste. Savings identified through this process can then be deployed on sustainability focused projects and programmes without detriment to short term profitability, and with the added benefit of being able to make a public statement of commitment to the sustainability agenda. In the longer term investments in sustainable solutions are also likely to be the lower cost modes of delivery. Thus a sustainability focused approach to cost control and productivity improvement can yield benefits in the short, medium and longer term.